
AGM 8-2-0

It is a nutritional complex of micro and macronutrients that promotes robust root growth and provides chitin, and when digested by soil microorganisms, produces chitinase, an enzyme that degrades the exoskeleton of nematodes.

It activates the development of beneficial soil bacteria, contains 6% organic calcium (Ca) in soluble time-release forms that promotes the reproduction of useful microorganisms. Its high content of organic matter contributes to more permeable, spongy soils with greater retention of nutrients and moisture. It provides assimilable calcium for the structure of plant and fruit cell walls.

It contains essential nutrients that, through the process of microbial mineralization, are gradually released, making them available to plants for a longer period of time.


QUITIN (bio-polymer)

AGM 8-2-0 It is a source of QUITINA that activates beneficial microbes, which, when digested by soil microorganisms, produces QUITINASEIt is an enzyme that degrades the exoskeleton of nematodes acting as a pathogen suppressor. It is a promoter of physiological processes in roots.



20 to 50 Kg / Tons of Mixture

On the ground

0.5 to 2.0 Kg/meter².


It is recommended to apply AGM 8-2-0 desde el momento de la preparación surco o cama de siembra o al momento de la siembra.  Aplicarlo cerca de las raíces y en zona húmeda del riego de tal forma que permita su degradación y activación del proceso biológico con la humedad. Se recomienda el uso de un esparcidor tipo gandy.  Se recomienda en mezcla con sustratos, compostas, fibra, tezontle, o cualquier material para establecer cultivos.

Mixing in cultivation soil: 150-200 grs /1 m² or linear meter of soil. Before transplanting, place on the surface, incorporate very well and water. Repeat every 30 days during the vegetative phase.

Transplant: 2O grs. per plant. Sprinkle directly to the final transplant hole, incorporate, transplant and water.

Ideal for all types of crops.

Our recommendations are general in nature and are based on results obtained from reliable experimentation. We suggest to always adjust them to the crop requirements and nutrition programs based on reliable water, soil and tissue analysis and the recommendations of the responsible technician.



44 Kg.

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